An Introduction to Web Security¶
Web security is a huge field with far more nuances and details than I can cover here. If you are interested in learning more or are responsible for making security decisions for a web application, see the resources at the end of this guide. Understanding this guide is insufficient experience for doing real security work!
Many of the protocols that underpin our modern internet were created without modern security concerns in mind. I actually think this was pretty reasonable at the time. When the ARPANET, the precursor to the modern internet, was first created in 1969, it looked like this:

From J. Noel Chiappa at MIT, 2014-11-07. Images comes from the “ARPANET Technical Information: Geographic Maps” page¶
When the only people on the network were four universities, you just didn’t have to worry about as many security problems as you do now, when less than 30% of the internet looks like this:
The fundamental insecurities of many web protocols make cybersecurity on the internet difficult. Still, there are lots of steps we as developers can take to build more secure applications.
In this guide, we will cover some common security vulnerabilities that affect web apps. I’ve put together a simple web app for you to run locally that has a secure version and a vulnerable version. We’ll experiment with the vulnerable version to see how these attacks work, and then we’ll see how the secure version fixes the vulnerability.
By the end of this guide, I hope you will have a high-level understanding of how the following attacks work:
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Monkey-in-the-Middle (MitM)
HTTPS Downgrade
SQL Injection
I also hope you’ll have a high-level understanding of how the following defensive strategies work and how they prevent various attacks:
Escaping user input
CSRF tokens
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
Authenticating users on every page
Two-Factor Authentication
Lastly, I hope that by the end you find cybersecurity interesting enough to go and learn some more on your own! This is a fascinating field, and there are tons of great resources for learning more. I’ll link to some at the end of the article.
Setting Up PwnMe¶
In case you haven’t seen it before, “pwn” comes from online gaming culture where it means to defeat (i.e. to “own”) an opponent. In hacker circles it refers to compromising a target. You can find more information at wikitionary.
I created a simple web application, PwnMe, that we can use to experiment
with security vulnerabilities. It’s a Flask app that you can run locally on
your computer. Don’t worry, the app is only visible from your computer.
It cannot be accessed by other computers on your network unless you pass
to the flask run
command we’ll discuss below.
Please do not run PwnMe as a publicly accessible website. I purposely chose to have you run it locally to ensure no one exploited its vulnerabilities maliciously. If you expose it publicly, there’s always a chance that an unsuspecting person will stumble upon it and fall victim to its vulnerabilities.
PwnMe is available on GitHub at Clone the repository to your local computer like this:
$ git clone
$ cd pwnme
Install Dependencies¶
Now, let’s set up a virtual environment and install the app’s dependencies.
You might need to replace python
with python3
in the
below commands depending on how you installed Python. This app
requires Python 3.
I like to use Python’s venv
module for virtual environment, but
you’re selcome to use whatever solution you like. You can even forgo the
virtual environment together and install these requirements globally,
though I don’t recommend it since doing this can muck up your system
with unnecessary packages.
$ python -m venv --prompt pwnme venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize PwnMe¶
To configure PwnMe, we need to generate a configuration file at
like this:
$ mkdir instance
$ python pwnme/ > instance/
$ cat instance/
SECRET_KEY = "<secret key>"
Instead of <secret key>
you should see 64 hex characters. This is a
256-bit secret key that Flask will use for security operations like
signing cookies and generating CSRF tokens (more on this later).
Initialize Database¶
PwnMe stores its data in a SQLite database at instance/pwnme.sqlite
To initialize this database, run:
$ source environment
$ flask init-db
Initialized the database
Notice that we told Flask
about our app using the environment
variables in environment
Run PwnMe¶
Now, you can run the web app:
$ flask run
* Serving Flask app "pwnme" (lazy loading)
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: <pin>
Don’t worry about the value of <pin>
; we won’t use it.
PwnMe Structure¶
When you first launch PwnMe and go to, you’ll get a page with links to two versions of PwnMe: a safe version and a vulnerable version. The vulnerable one is susceptible to many of the attacks we’ll discuss, while the safe one has been hardened against them.
A Note on Responsible Bug Hunting¶
Many of the vulnerabilities in this guide are commonly found in production today. Many companies run bug bounty programs to encourage people to responsibly disclose these bugs so they can be fixed. If you choose to participate in these programs, you must closely adhere to responsible disclosure policies. For example, take a look at hackerone’s policy. I even have one for my own website.
These policies are important because by default, testing for vulnerabilities in websites is usually a federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). Most vulnerability disclosure policies include safe harbor provisions that promise not to press charges against you so long as you follow the policy.
I’m not a lawyer, and these policies can be pretty complicated. If you decide to start looking for vulnerabilities in real websites, you should carefully consult the site’s policies and bring any questions to a qualified lawyer.
For this guide, we’re going to be avoiding these issues by testing our exploits on our own web app that’s running locally on our computers.
Common Web Vulnerabilites and Their Mitigations¶
Never look for vulnerabilities in websites without permission. Doing so may be a federal crime and carry both civil and criminal charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). It’s frequently a felony!
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)¶
Cross-site scripting was originally used by Microsoft engineers to describe an attack where a malicious website loaded a target app and got it to execute malicious JavaScript. However, it has now come to refer to many other kinds of code injection, which makes the name pretty confusing. XSS is when an attacker injects client-side code into a web page and gets that code to run in another users’s browser when they visit the page.
If you aren’t familiar with the idea of client-side code, here’s a quick overview. In the web, code can run in two different places: on the server (server-side) or on the machine of the client accessing the server (client-side). For example, when you send an email, the email is transmitted to your recipient by server-side code, but the layout of the message box you are typing into is defined by client-side code. This distinction is important. For example, if your server has secret keys that no user should know, you’d better not put them in client-side code! Similarly, any good password manager will encrypt a user’s passwords client-side so that the server never has access to them. PHP and Python are server-side languages, while HTML and JavaScript generally run client-side. (Node can use server-side JavaScript.)
The Vulnerability¶
Let’s try out XSS on PwnMe. Launch PwnMe with flask run
and navigate
to Then load the vulnerable site and click on the
Who Am I
link in the navigation bar. If you type your name into the
box, the app says hello to you!
Use your browser’s developer tools to take a look at the page’s HTML. You can generally access these by right-clicking on the page. Find where your name is being shown. You should see code like this:
<section class="content">
<!--The |safe filter disables autoescaping, allowing reflected XSS-->
<h1>Hello, YOUR_NAME!</h1>
Take a moment to think about how this program works. It takes in your name and puts that into an HTML template. How might this be vulnerable to XSS? Don’t scroll down until you’ve thought about it!
There are lots of possible attacks here, but I’m going to just show you
one to give you a sense for what’s possible. Try pasting
<script>alert('You have been hacked!');</script>
into the field for
your name. When you submit the form, an alert pops up! Here we just made
an alert pop up, but client-side JavaScript can do a lot. For example,
you might be able to impersonate the user and submit commands to the
server. If the user has a lot of permissions on the server, you could do
a lot of damage.
Notice that the name you submit ends up in the URL. This means you could send someone an email with a link that includes your malicious code. If they open it in a browser where they’re signed in, your code has free reign to mess with their account.
The Fix¶
Now, switch to the safe version of PwnMe and try again. Instead of an
alert popping up, you should see Hello, <script>alert('You have been
displayed as the name. It’s definitely still
weird, but now your injected JavaScript is being displayed as text
instead of being executed.
Let’s take a look at the code to understand how the safe version
prevents XSS. PwnMe uses Jinja2
HTML templates, which can be configured with parameters from our Python
code. If you compare at the HTML templates
you’ll notice that the vulnerable
template has an extra |safe
<h1>Hello, {{ name|safe }}!</h1>
The |safe
disables escaping. Flask configures Jinja2 with automatic
escaping turned on by default, but |safe
overrides that. Jinja2 is
nice in that it handles escaping automatically, but we could do it
with another tool too.
In any web application, make sure that any untrusted content is properly escaped before being sent to users. Untrusted content includes user-provided content, but it may also include third-party content you aren’t sure is safe.
You may be tempted to try doing the escaping yourself. Just don’t. These security operations are difficult to get right, and you’re better off using code that’s already been reviewed by experts.
Never try and implement security code on your own. Security primitives like escaping content, hashing passwords, and encrypting data are available as reputable packages or built-in functions for nearly all modern programming languages. Use them! They’re much more likely to get all the tricky details right than we are.
Even with this fix, are there still ways an attacker could abuse this
site? Here’s one way: what if an attacker set the name
parameter to
Valued Customer. Your account has been hacked! Call (555) 555-5555 for
immediate assistance
? In a sense this is an injection attack, only
instead of code we’re injecting a statement the legitimate website
doesn’t actually want to make. There aren’t really blanket mitigations
for this kind of attack except making very clear in your UI what is
user-provided and what is not.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)¶
CSRF attacks exploit the fact that web operations are mostly stateless. When you go to a web form, you use a GET request to see the form. Then when you submit the form, a POST request sends the contents of your form to the server. Like all HTTP requests, these operations are independent. You could have submitted the POST request directly from your terminal. The only reason for the form in the web page is as a user-friendly tool to create the POST request.
Take a few moments to think about how this could be abused. When you have some thoughts, scroll down to see how an exploit can take advantage of this independence of HTTP requests.
Imagine you’re logged into your bank account in one tab, but you’re browsing the web in another tab. If you open up a malicious site, say, you should be fine since can’t access the data on your bank web pages. However, what if tricked you into submitting a form that sent a POST request to your bank? Since you’re logged in already, that POST request looks exactly the same as the one that would come from the form on your bank’s website. You might have thought you were asking to see 100 cat photos from, but the form actually transferred 100 dollars from your bank account!
The Vulnerability¶
Even more insidiously, forms can be invisible
and submit automatically. Take a look at malicious/csrf_vuln.html
<body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="100">
This form submits automatically and withdraws 100 dollars from your bank account at PwnMe. Let’s see this in action.
Navigate to the vulnerable PwnMe site and register for an account. Log in, and check your balance. You should have 0 dollars. Now go to withdraw money and withdraw -100 dollars. Now you have 100 dollars.
Obviously you shouldn’t be able to withdraw negative amounts of money, but this works for what we need. If you’re interested in cool exploits when user input isn’t properly validated, check out buffer overflow and numeric overflow attacks.
Now, let’s pretend you click on a link in an email that sends you to a
website with malicious/csrf_vuln.html
. To simulate this, open
in the same browser where you’re logged in
to PwnMe. If you check your balance again, you should see that your
money has disappeared!
The Fix¶
To fix this vulnerability, we need a way to tell whether a POST request comes from our website or another site. The standard way to do this is with CSRF tokens. These tokens are essentially unguessable passwords given to a web form and passed along when the user submits the form. Since a malicious site doesn’t have these passwords, it can’t submit a valid request to drain your bank account.
CSRF tokens are a pretty simple idea, so you might be tempted to implement them yourself. Don’t. There are other reputable projects that implement CSRF more reliably than we can. The Google Cloud Platform’s flask-talisman project recommends Flask-SeaSurf. Flask-SeaSurf operates on an entire app, so to only apply CSRF protection to the safe version of PwnMe, I used Flask-WTF instead.
Switch to the safe version of PwnMe. If you go the withdraw funds page and inspect the HTML, you’ll see a form like this:
<form method="post">
<input id="csrf_token" name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="IjE1YjM2NTQwZTIzZTM1MjI1ZDBkM2ZjZWU3M2MyZTYyNmQyYjBhMWQi.X-gT3g.EPXLTXLzO4CBozBRsJx0rOykafY">
<label for="amount">Amount</label> <input id="amount" name="amount" required="" type="text" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Withdraw Funds">
Notice the CSRF token. Now let’s simulate navigating to a site that
attempts a CSRF attack against the safe version by loading
. Now you see a CSRF validation error, and
your money is safe!
Every authenticated endpoint on your site that changes state should be a POST endpoint and implement CSRF protections.
Monkey-in-the-Middle (MitM)¶
A monkey-in-the-middle attack is where a malicious server sits between the legitimate server and the user. You can imagine it like this:
+------+ +----------+ +--------+
| User | <-----> | Attacker | <-----> | Server |
+------+ +----------+ +--------+
The attacker impersonates the user when talking to the server, and they impersonate the server when talking to the user. This lets them fully control the conversation. For example, they could alter the server’s response to the user to give the user bad information, or they could manipulate a user’s request to cause the server to send money to the attacker’s account instead of the user’s.
There are actually legitimate uses for MitM! Sometimes organizations want to monitor and filter internet traffic. For example, schools might want to keep kids from accessing illegal content at school, and companies might want to block phishing sites. To do this, they act as a MitM. To do this, they have to configure their users’ devices to trust root CAs under the organization’s control. Unfortunately, some governments try to surveil their citizens this way. In late July, 2019, researchers revealed that Kazakhstan was instructing its citizens to configure their browsers to trust a root CA run by the Kazakhstan government so they could act as a MitM. In response, both Chrome and Firefox blacklisted the CA.
The Vulnerability¶
Actually, both the safe and vulnerable versions of PwnMe are susceptible
to MitM attacks because we’ve been working with them over insecure
connections. Notice how the URLs start with http://
instead of
. That means we aren’t using TLS (Transport Layer Security),
a security protocol that encrypts web traffic and authenticates the
server to the user.
You might have heard of the SSL protocol. It’s the precursor to TLS, though people often still use “SSL” when talking about TLS.
The Fix¶
To prevent MitM attacks, we need to secure those connections with TLS. This is handled at the level of the web server, not the web app, so we won’t demonstrate it here. However, we can still discuss how it works.
When you visit a TLS-secured website, the website presents a cryptographically signed certificate that proves the site contains a secret key. It also contains a signature from a certificate authority (CA) that. This signature certifies that the CA has confirmed that the controller of the secret key is also the proper owner of some domain. Your browser comes with a list of CAs it trusts. These are called root CAs, and they have to follow strict regulations and undergo regular audits.
As an example of how seriously browsers take violations by root CAs, let’s consider Symantec. Symantec was one of the largest and oldest certificate authorities, but a number of instances were discovered from 2013 to 2017 where Symantec issued certificates improperly. As a result, Google, Apple, and Mozilla all stopped trusting certificates issued by Symantec. This was disruptive for server operators, who had to get new certificates, and for Symantec, who had a lot of unhappy customers. Browsers don’t mess around with violations by CAs!
Since the CA ecosystem is so tightly secured, it’s very hard to get a fraudulant certificate. This means that if your website uses TLS, an attacker won’t be able to impersonate you, preventing a MitM attack.
At one point, many websites didn’t use TLS because it was too expensive to get certificates. Now, you can use Let’s Encrypt, a free service that gives out TLS certificates that are trusted by all major browsers. They verify website ownership just like other CAs, so they’re still secure.
Every website should use TLS for everything. No exceptions.
You might notice that for some sites, particularly banking websites, the name of the website’s company appears next to the lock icon in your browser. This signifies that the website is providing an Extended Validation (EV) certificate. While normal certificates just confirm that the holder owns the website’s domain, EV certificates prove which legal entity controls the certificate and that the legal entity is the proper owner of a website.
HTTP Downgrade¶
The Vulnerability¶
Unfortunately, not all websites use TLS, so browsers have to allow unsecured HTTP connections. Similarly, not all browsers support TLS, so websites usually allow unsecured connections too. This means that a MitM attacker can bypass the protections of TLS by tricking the user into thinking the server is HTTP-only and tricking the server into thinking the user doesn’t support TLS. This is an HTTP Downgrade attack.
The Fix¶
HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)¶
A now-discouraged solution to HTTP downgrade attacks was HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP). This involved setting a header with the server’s response that specified the public key of one of the certificates verifying the website’s identity. The browser would then only allow TLS connections with the website, and it would only allow TLS connections with that particular certificate.
This meant that if a rogue certificate authority issued a certificate for your website, that certificate wouldn’t be accepted because it would have the wrong public key.
HPKP has now been deprecated because it was very easy for websites to pin the wrong certificate, permanently blocking browsers from connecting to them. This also meant an attacker who managed to set headers on your requests could do the same. Some legacy browsers support it still, but you shouldn’t use it.
Don’t use HPKP.
Instead, browsers have adopted Certificate Transparency, which provides additional oversight for the certificates issued by CAs to detect bad behavior. I won’t go into it much here, but it’s a very cool protocol. I encourage you to check it out!
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)¶
HSTS is a somewhat softer version of HPKP that is recommended for use today. It is a header you send with your requests that tells browsers they should only ever contact you over TLS. From then on, the browser will refuse to connect over plain HTTP, preventing downgrade attacks.
You can even set a preload
option in your HSTS header that will get
your site included in a list shipped with major browsers. Then users
don’t have to visit you at all to know that they should only connect
with you over TLS.
Use HSTS to prevent downgrade attacks.
SQL Injection¶
SQL injection is similar to XSS in that it relies on getting a computer to execute what’s supposed to be just data as code. Instead of executing JavaScript, SQL injection uses SQL commands.
The Vulnerability¶
Let’s try this out on the vulnerable version of PwnMe. Log in and go to
the Lookup
page. This page lets you look up a user’s ID from their
username. For a bank, this might be how you look up someone’s account
number to send them money. Since we store user data in a database, we
must be executing some kind of SQL command to look up the user ID. Maybe
it’s something like this:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = "user_input";
How might we exploit this? Scroll down after you’ve thought about it a little.
What if you provided robert"; DROP TABLE user;--
as the username?
Then the command would become:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = "robert"; DROP TABLE user;--";
This command is valid because --
makes the last quote a comment.
First we’ll look up a user ID, but then we’ll delete the entire

This is an XKCD comic titled “Exploits of a Mom” available under a CC-BY-NC 2.5 license. Importantly, this means that this comic is not licensed for commercial use.¶
If we look at the code in pwnme/
, we see two problems:
user = db.executescript(
f'SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = "{username}"'
First, we used db.executescript
, which allows for multiple
commands separated by semicolons. This is unnecessary for this lookup
function. Second, we put the user-provided username directly into the
SQL command with no filtering or escaping.
The Fix¶
Instead, we should have used code like in pwnme/
user = db.execute(
'SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?', (username,)
Here we use db.execute()
, so only one command can run. More
importantly, though, we let the execute()
function handle putting
the username into the command. This lets the sqlite3
library do
proper escaping. This is called parameterizing commands.
Go ahead and try this exploit on the safe version of the site. It should behave as if no user was found because your input was properly escaped.
Never put untrusted data into a SQL command without proper escaping. As a general practice, you should parameterize all your SQL commands to let robust libraries handle this for you.
Useful Web Security Practices¶
Authenticating Users at Every Endpoint¶
In PwnMe, you’ll see a Secret Message
option when you log in. If you
click it, you’ll be able to view a top secret note. Now, copy the URL of
the note and try to load it when you’re signed out. In the vulnerable
site, this still works! What we should happen, and what does happen on
the safe site, is that you get directed to the login page instead.
If you look in the code at pwnme/
you’ll see that the
function is decorated by @login_required
. This
decorator is missing in pwnme/
Just hiding the link won’t stop hackers. You need to actively check that user’s are authenticated at every secured endpoint.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)¶
You’re probably all familiar with two-factor authentication. While it is really more of an authentication technique, which we haven’t discusssed much here, I wanted to highlight it since it’s so useful.
2FA, which marketing teams the world over have alternately named two-step verification, security codes, verification codes, two-step authentication, and more, deals with a simple problem: passwords suck. Users can’t remember very strong ones. When websites force users to have strong ones, they tend to write them down on sticky notes at their desks that then get picked up by camera crews.
2FA mitigates many of these problems by checking that you control some physical object to let you sign in. This could be your phone (e.g. an SMS code, Duo, or the TOTP protocol), a physical key that generates numbers (banks seem to like these), or a security key (e.g. FIDO2). These are much harder and riskier for hackers to steal since they’re physically near you.
Here are some common 2FA methods:
Transmitted Codes: Numeric codes are often sent over SMS or email. These are among the least secure kinds of 2FA because SMS and email accounts can be compromised remotely (and sometimes easily). For example SIM swap scams can let hackers steal your phone number and get your SMS 2FA codes. One exception to this is Apple’s 2FA with trusted devices, which sends codes to trusted devices.
Codes Generated from Pre-Shared Key: Numeric codes are generated from a secret key that the server gave you when you first set up 2FA. You probably scanned a QR code that contained the key. From then on, your device and the server can both generate the same code, which the server uses to check that you have your device. Sometimes this code changes based on the time (TOTP), and other times it changes based on how many times you’ve asked for codes before (HOTP). Since the secret key is securely stored on your device, it’s very difficult to steal remotely. This scheme is also quite easy to implement on your own because of many open-source implementations and no need for a separate communications channel like SMS.
Notifications to Trusted Devices: Duo and Google Prompts fall into this category. When you sign in, the server sends a notification to an app on your phone that then prompts you to allow or reject the request. This is harder to implement than TOTP or HOTP because you have to build the notification infrastructure, but it similarly benefits from the difficulty in stealing trusted devices.
Security Keys: These are the most secure forms of 2FA I’ve seen. A security key is usually a USB device you plug into your computer to authenticate. That key generates an authentication token that is only valid for the site you’re visiting and for that sign-in attempt. This makes it the only method here that prevents phishing.
Phishing is where an attacker gets a user to visit a malicious site that looks like a trusted site. For example, it might mimic PwnMe’s login page. When the user attempts to sign in, they are inadvertantly giving their credentials to the attacker. Any numeric codes from 2FA can also be phished and quickly used to sign the attacker in before they expire (usually in 30 seconds or so). Even notification-based 2FA can be phished because if the attacker triggers a log-in attempt on the legitimate site immediately after the user puts their credentials into the phishing site, the user will probably approve it thinking they’re on the legitimate site.
Security keys, and particularly the FIDO2 protocols, prevent phishing by tying authentication tokens to the pages at which they are generated. Even if the user puts in their security key at the phishing site, the generated token is only valid at the phishing site. It won’t work at the legitimate site, so the attaker can’t log in. Google uses security keys exclusively for their Advanced Protection Program, and it found that when it gave security keys to its employees in 2017, it completely eliminated employee account takeovers.
Password managers also provide a powerful defense against phishing since they usually check what website you’re on before auto-filling your password. This requires that users be disciplined about not copy-pasting passwords into sites when their password manager won’t auto-fill.
Security Headers¶
There are lots of other security headers you can add, some of which are
demonstrated by add_response_headers()
in pwnme/
. Flask
provides a handy list of security
changes, including headers, you can make to your Flask app.
For learning web security:
Stanford’s CS253 course
Mozilla’s Web Security Guidelines
The Security Considerations section of Flask’s documentation
For learning cybersecurity more broadly:
Fedora’s Defensive Coding Guide
Reference material for secure coding:
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), particularly their reference guide and Security Knowledge Framework
NIST also has a list of free and low-cost cybersecurity lessons that you may find helpful.
Licensing and Attribution¶
Copyright (c) 2020 U8N WXD
This work, including both this document and the source code in the associated GitHub repository, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work was initially created for a workshop at Stanford Code the Change.